What is Disrod?

Disrod was a website that was created for communicating with others during school. It was primarily used between the spring of 2021 (when it was created) and the early summer of 2023 (the last time it was used). The reason it hasn't been used in the past year is because the school began to use Lightspeed Filter to block multiple websites in the 2023-2024 school year. Disrod was one of the websites affected.

What has happened to Disrod?

Since the summer of 2023, I have been at work creating a new version of Disrod. One that has a more modern UI and a less naive approach to the backend. I had originally hoped to finish it before the new school year started, but I had failed. I hosted the old version of Disrod, and when we went to test it, Lightspeed Filter had blocked it. Since then I have very seldomly worked on Disrod. Because Disrod had been blocked, I have been trying to find a way to restore Disrod.

What is the plan?

Since discovering that the school had blocked Disrod, I have been deviseding a plan to bring Disrod back. I have discovered that Github Pages allows you to upload a website and Github will host it for you. I have tested another Github Pages-hosted website and it is unblocked by Lightspeed Filter . While I am still unsure on what Disrod will look and feel like in the future, I am hoping it is what the users want it to be.